China Hong Kong Paralympic Committee Board of Directors
Honorary President
Dr. York Chow Yat Ngok, GBS SBS MBE
Honorary Vice President
Mr. Michael Lee Tze Hau JP
Honorary Legal Advisor
Mr. Lester Garson Huang SBS JP
The Board
The Board is elected every four years and members can serve a maximum of two terms if in the same position.
President (2023-2027)
Mrs. Jenny Fung Ma Kit Han, SBS BBS JP
Vice President (2023-2027)
Dr. John Leung Lai Yin
Dr. Jim Luk Tze Chung
Hon. Secretary (2023-2027)
Mr. Keith Lui Kar Kei
Hon. Secretary (2023-2027)
Mr. Keith Lui Kar Kei
Hon. Treasurer (2023-2027)
Mr. Henry Lam Sai Ying
Sports Association for the Physically Disabled of Hong Kong, China (HKSAPD) Representative (2023-2027)
Mr. Anson Lai Yee Chuen
Mr. Ho Wayman
Hong Kong, China Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability (HKSAPID) Representative (2023-2027)
Ms. Ip Hay Wood
Member At Large (2023-2027)
Mr. Benny Cheung Wai Leung, BBS
Ms. Genevieve Pong Chung Yi
Ms. Esther Ma
Organisation Chart

Para Athletes and Friends

Para Athletes and Friends Limited (PAAF) is a charitable organisation in Hong Kong with China Hong Kong Paralympic Committee as the founding member.
PAAF is established for the advancement of education and social inclusion by providing career education and personal development to current, retiring and retired Para athletes, and educating the community with Paralympic Movement Values through the achievements of athletes.